Remembering Paul Farmer (1959-2022)

We lost a lion today with the passing of Dr. Paul Farmer. His book, “Pathologies of Power” singularly informed my approach and take on development and public health. Always forcing the question that is too infrequently asked, “Development for whom and by whom?”

He gave voice to those who are routinely silenced and claimed as beneficiaries of projects that are too frequently little more than self satisfied larks. In doing so he inspired many in my generation to do development better, build partnerships and understand the reality on the ground before uttering what we think people need or want.

He held the International development community to a higher standard and one that is still not attained. I know LIN’s team is committed to do our part to fill in where and when we can to make his absence a little less heavy. Jason Glaser, CEO La Isla Network

Dr. Paul Edward Farmer was an American medical anthropologist, physician, and global humanitarian. He was the co-founder and chief strategist of Partners In Health (PIH), an international non-profit organization that since 1987 has provided direct health care services and undertaken research and advocacy activities on behalf of those who are sick and living in poverty. He wrote extensively on health and human rights, the role of social inequalities in the distribution and outcome of infectious diseases, and global health.



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