
The YEARS Project Highlights the Urgent Need for Worker Safety in Extreme Heat

La Isla Network - It’s Time to Work Together

Hidden Under the Indian Sun

LIN Communicators

The La Isla Network communicators are a tight-knit group of photographers, filmmakers and artists dedicated to covering the CKDnT issue worldwide in order to inform governments, industries and the public of the ongoing investigations and solutions to the epidemic. Our growing body of work has covered Nicaragua, El Salvador, India, Sri Lanka and is expanding to the United States, South America and beyond. This unique collaboration between photography, film and art, coupled with advocacy-based communication strategies and techniques, facilitate an unparalleled opportunity to stimulate conversation and to expand the network of people willing to take a stand against CKDnT.

Through the work of the La Isla Network communicators, we invite you to explore how CKDnT is affecting workers and their communities. We welcome the opportunity to share our work, show a film and provide guest speakers on CKDnT and the impact this disease has on families, local communities, and countries around the world.

Ed Kashi

Photojournalist, filmmaker, speaker, and educator

Tom Laffay

Filmmaker and photojournalist

Aubrey Roemer

Artist and journalist


La Isla Network’s Pioneering Initiatives Make America Safer, Stronger, and More Prosperous