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Response to: Letter to the Editor-Productivity as an efficacy measure in rest-shade-hydration interventions: the need for a more complete dissemination and implementation science approach by Dally M and Newman LS
David Wegman
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Published date:
3 Jun 2024
The interest of Dally and Newman in our research efforts is appreciated, particularly their attention to the evolving work on dissemination and implementation science (D&I). D&I is an area of practical public health research that aims to incorporate the follow-on aspects of research on efficacy and effectiveness with the ultimate broad and sustainable impact on society (Guerin et al. 2022). As Guerin and associates note, D&I efforts are relatively early […]
Effects on household income and earnings from chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origins: PREP project findings from Chichigalpa, Nicaragua
William Martinez-Cuadra
Occupational Environmental Medicine
Published date:
20 May 2024
Objective: Our purpose with this study is to examine the socioeconomic outcomes associated with chronic kidney disease not related to well-known risk factors (CKDnt) in four communities in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua that are home to a substantial number of sugarcane workers. Methods: We employed a cluster-based systematic sampling design to identify differences in outcomes between those households affected directly by CKDnt and those that are not. Results: Overall, we find that […]
Views on climate change and health
Jason Glaser
Nature Climate Change
Published date:
10 May 2024
Climate change is a health emergency, impacting multiple facets of human well-being via direct and indirect pathways. Nature Climate Change asked experts from different health fields to share their thoughts on the urgent issues and possible paths forward.
Association Between Acute Kidney Injury Hospital Visits and Environmental Heat Stress at a Nicaraguan Sugarcane Plantation
David Wegman
Workplace Health and Safety
Published date:
9 Apr 2024
Background: Mesoamerican sugarcane cutters are at a high risk of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origin, a disease likely linked to heat-related acute kidney injury (AKI). Studies in general populations have described a positive association between high environmental temperatures and clinically assessed kidney outcomes, but there are no studies in occupational settings. Method: We accessed routine records of clinically diagnosed AKI (AKI-CD) and wet bulb globe temperatures (WBGT) at a […]
Impact of heat and a rest-shade-hydration intervention program on productivity of piece-paid industrial agricultural workers at risk of chronic kidney disease of nontraditional origin
David Wegman
Annals of Work Exposures and Health
Published date:
17 Feb 2024
Objectives: Assess the impact of environmental heat and a rest-shade-hydration (RSH) intervention against heat stress on productivity of piece-paid Mesoamerican sugarcane cutters. These workers are at a high risk of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origin (CKDnt), from the severe heat stress they experience due to heavy work under hot conditions. RSH interventions in these populations improve kidney health outcomes, but their impact on productivity has yet to be examined. […]
Impact of heat on emergency hospital admissions related to kidney diseases in Texas: Uncovering racial disparities
Jason Glaser
Science of the Total Environment
Published date:
20 Jan 2024
Background and objective: While impact of heat exposure on human health is well-documented, limited research exists on its effect on kidney disease hospital admissions especially in Texas, a state with diverse demographics and a high heat-related death rate. We aimed to explore the link between high temperatures and emergency kidney disease hospital admissions across 12 Texas Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) from 2004 to 2013, considering causes, age groups, and ethnic […]
Silica Nanoparticles and Mesoamerican Nephropathy: A Case Series
Julia Wijkström
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Published date:
23 Oct 2023
Silica exposure has been associated with chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu). Both sugarcane and rice contain amorphous silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) that can be released into the air following burning, where they can be inhaled, or potentially seep into the groundwater, where they may be ingested. Unlike crystalline silica, which is larger in size and causes lung disease, amorphous silica nanoparticles can pass through the lung to the kidney, […]
Occupational Heat Stress and Kidney Health in Salt Pan Workers
Kristina Jakobsson
Kidney International Reports
Published date:
20 Apr 2023
Introduction: Work in heat affects millions of workers. Although kidney function in agricultural workers is increasingly researched, nonagricultural studies are scarce. In coastal salt pans, the absence of occupational exposures to pesticides and other toxicants allows assessment of heat stress alone. Methods: Seven Indian salt pans were surveyed from 2017 to 2020. Job-specific workload was assessed. Heat stress was characterized as exceeding the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)-threshold limit value […]
An explorative study of inflammation-related proteins associated with kidney injury in male heat-stressed workers
Erik Hansson, Jason Glaser, Julia Wijkström, Kristina Jakobsson
Journal of Thermal Biology
Published date:
21 Jan 2023
Chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origin (CKDnt) and acute kidney injury (AKI) often affect heat-stressed Mesoamerican manual workers. Inflammation occurs concurrently with AKI in this population, but its role remains unknown. To explore links between inflammation and kidney injury in heat stress, we compared levels of inflammation-related proteins in cutters with and without increasing serum creatinine levels during sugarcane harvest. These sugarcane cutters have previously been identified to be repeatedly […]
Challenges and opportunities in interventions for chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu): report from the International Society of Nephrology Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu
David Wegman
Kidney International
Published date:
1 Jan 2023
In 2016, the International Society of Nephrology convened the International Consortium of Collaborators on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology, which has reported on disease detection strategies2 and on methods to elucidate the cause of CKDu.1 Recognizing the urgent need for preventative and diseasemodifying therapies, International Consortium of Collaborators on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology presents this commentary as a starting point for researchers seeking to mitigate the burden […]
Point-of-care biomarkers for prediction of kidney function trajectory among sugarcane cutters: a comparative test accuracy study
Kristina Jakobsson
BMJ Open
Published date:
18 Nov 2022
Objectives: Heat-stressed Mesoamerican workers, such as sugarcane cutters, suffer from high rates of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origin (CKDnt). We aimed to identify easily available early markers of rapid kidney function decline in a population at high risk of CKDnt. Design: The accuracy of different biomarkers measured during harvest for prediction of cross-harvest kidney function decline were assessed in an exploratory study group, and the performance of the most […]
Targeting workload to ameliorate risk of heat stress in industrial sugarcane workers
David Wegman
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
Published date:
9 Oct 2022
Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify the physiological workload of manual laborers in industrial sugarcane and assess the effect of receiving a rest, shade, and hydration intervention to reduce heat stress exposure risk. Methods: In an observational study, physiological workload was evaluated for burned cane cutters (BCC), seed cutters (SC) and drip irrigation repair workers (DIRW) using heart rate (HR) recorded continuously (Polar®) across a work shift. […]