Long Live Journalism

We pride ourselves on the seriousness of our research, the integrity of our methods, and the determination of our resolve to ensure that workers everywhere are protected from the fatal effects of heat in a warming world. However, we get it; these topics are not always the most eye-catching and sexy. The reality is that the nature of our work requires us to dig deeply into corners of climate change and occupational health research that is not always the most digestible nor the easiest to translate to a global audience.

This is why we are so honored and encouraged to receive excellent journalistic coverage of our work. This recent coverage highlights the voices of LIN members and researchers and brings the stories of community members who live with the crisis of CKDnt to the fore.

This week, we are featured in multiple Guardian articles as a part of their ‘Harmed by Heat’ series that we’d like to bring to your attention.

This article is currently running on the front page. It highlights that CKDnt is being driven by heat stress caused by climate change and features an outstanding graphic map of CKDnt throughout Mesoamerica by LIN's Erik Hansson. We’d also like to acknowledge the incredible work of longtime LIN collaborator Ed Kashi, whose photography is featured in the article.

This article describes the impossible position agricultural workers in Nicaragua are currently facing of having to work through painful kidney injury because they can’t afford not to. It also features the voice of La Isla Foundation President, Cristhian Valásquez, who describes the progress that we have made through our water, rest, and shade interventions and highlights the urgency of ensuring these interventions are in place at all worksites due to the escalating climate emergency. Lastly, it paints a picture of the reality facing dialysis clinics in Nicaragua, and the work of LIN partner Nephrologist, Nelson Garcia.

LIN CEO, Jaser Glaser is featured on this podcast, where he highlights the everyday reality facing workers in a warming world and the steps that LIN is taking to improve it.

An overview of how heat stress affects different organs of the body. This article features a focus on the kidneys by LIN collaborator Richard Johnson, and links to the work of LIN’s Adelante Initiative.

The mystery epidemic striking Nicaragua’s sugar cane workers – a photo essay

Deadly heat: how rising temperatures threaten workers from Nicaragua to Nepal

Thanks a lot to the Climate and Health desk at The Guardian for continuing to shine a light on this urgent crisis, and for helping to highlight the work we are doing to address it.

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