Head of Corporate Engagement for Europe Matthijs Nieuwenhuis will speak at a webinar on heatwaves and preparation hosted by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. His presentation will cover the topic of advocating for worker health amid a warming world, with a focus on Europe.The webinar will explore what Red Cross and Red Crescent are doing to prepare for the summer and to reduce the impact of heat on vulnerable groups. It will take place on May 14, 2024 at 10 am CET/4 am EST. Click here to register and to view the agenda.

His presentation will highlight La Isla Network’s innovative strategies to address the critical issue of occupational heat stress, which is increasingly affecting the productivity and health of workers.

Matthijs Nieuwenhuis

Nieuwenhuis said, “It’s a great opportunity for us to talk to the Red Cross network and explore how we can actively collaborate in a movement that addresses the immediate health risks posed by a changing climate.

“We conduct independent scientific research with leading institutions around the world to provide evidence-based policy recommendations, and we will highlight the critical importance of collaboration and the shared benefits of sharing data and knowledge to work together to protect workers in a changing climate.”

Nieuwenhuis can be reached at matthijs@laislanetwork.org.


Thank you for reading. La Isla Network protects workers in a changing climate. We generate and implement data-driven worker protection and management assessment protocols to improve the resiliency of workforces and businesses to heat stress. For more information please contact info@laislanetwork.org.