La Isla Network Advises Office of the Vice President on Migration in Northern Triangle

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La Isla Network is honored to be an invited advisor to the United States Office of the Vice President’s Migration Task Force, assembled in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labour’s International Labor Affairs Bureau (DOL ILAB).

At the first roundtable, convened to address the migratory pressures facing families in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, LIN CEO Jason Glaser highlighted that supporting dignified, safe, and fairly compensated labor practices must be the key target of US foreign policy goals within the region. 

La Isla Network has consistently shown that poor and unsafe labor has a destabilizing effect on communities by leading to premature heat-related sickness and death of primary income earners. What results is often dangerous patterns of child labor, as children fill the economic void left by the death of their parents. 

As climate change continues to put the health of millions of workers in this region at risk, the reality is that the pressure on families to migrate to find safer and more equitable work will only increase. It is therefore essential that we empower these families with safe and equitable work within their home countries, and this must begin by ensuring that the work being offered is covered by adequate occupational protections from heat. Safe and fairly compensated work is the pathway towards stronger economies and healthier democracies.

La Isla Network is currently working in partnership with our colleagues at the Ray Marshall Center at the University of Texas at Austin to draft a report outlining these suggestions for mitigating migratory pressure in the Northern Triangle. We look forward to updating you on this important work as it develops.

If you’d like to join our work protecting the health and dignity of workers worldwide, please consider supporting us with a monthly donation: 

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